One Block at a Time

Kimberly Mackall (S24) and Valerie McMurry (S14)

Tell us the story of how you got to where you are now - in your neighborhood doing the work that you are doing.

God gave Valerie the vision in 2017 to live in NEOKC where she serves and worked for 30 years. She sold her home in North Edmond and commenced to building a home in the community, Culbertson East Highland neighborhood. God called Kimberly, two years ago, to do the same. She sold her home in Edmond and is now building in the neighborhood. God placed a burden on Valerie’s heart for the people and their holistic well-being by saying “If you want to change the neighborhood move into the neighborhood!!!” He’s called us to partner with him to demolish dysfunctional systems that negatively impact people.

Tell us what that has looked like.

Valerie created an initiative called “One Block At a Time” to build authentic relationships with her neighbors prior to moving into the neighborhood. She started taking the children to church with her, monthly food distribution in partnership with Lynne Institute and Skyline Ministries, home maintenance, beautification, and providing city resource guides to address problems. The initiative has expanded to include 6 new Block Captains that are leaders for their respective blocks. Valerie is now building community through development of homes and people, holistically. We’ve created a neighborhood work group with key partners to begin providing health services and launched church services the 4th Sunday of each month inside Jeltz Senior Center and McGuire Plaza for 351 residents.

What evil things are dying because God’s children are there?

We believe our presence, bringing God’s light has stopped the momentum of the enemy’s tactics in the area. We’re bringing the light of God and hope into darkness. Demonstrating consistency that we care and love our neighbors where they are. Our presence is not transactional or judgmental. Loving people where they are. You can’t bring light if you’re not willing to step into the darkness or another person’s world.

Is there a word of encouragement you want to share? What is your hope?

Our hope is for the community to flourish holistically mind, body, and spirit. We want everyone to have equal opportunity. We want them to have infrastructure that sets them up for success and not failure like everyone else. We want to walk along side our neighbors one person, street, and block at a time.

Share with us, “What evil thing will die because you’re there?” What darkness are you pushing back in the areas of influence you are leading and serving?

Ingrid Lewis