Our mission is to awaken, equip, and support Christ-followers to transform their city.
Aspects of Our Mission:
Awaken people to the truth that God has not changed, and that He created them on purpose, for a purpose, for this time in this city.
Equip leaders to step into their purpose and walk out their calling.
Support Alumni and community partners as they actively engage in the work of city transformation.
In 2008, Wes Lane began following a still small voice that heralded a hope and a future for the entire city. He gathered leaders of our city who carried influence in diverse sectors of the culture and who, more importantly, carried God’s heart for the entire city. These included David Green, Kirk Humphreys, Marc Nuttle, Jane Jayroe Gamble, Karla McAlister, Tom Hill, Bobbie Burbridge Lane, and Kent Humphreys. This is where the Salt and Light Leadership Training began.
They committed to disciple influencers from every sector of culture to align with Jesus’ heart so that everything in our city could be made new. Following the example of William Wilberforce and the Clapham Sect, this uncommon coalition has birthed a variety of collaborative initiatives to promote flourishing in our community.
As of today, the SALLT community has grown to over 700 and represents the diverse geography, ethnicity, and culture of our city. We offer events and yearly training classes to help leaders of all ages step into their purpose and walk out their calling to be the preeminent solution to the challenges around them.
“There was a time in history in which Christians recognized that God had the solutions to community problems and acted upon that belief. Their very worldview change the very world itself.”
We serve like Jesus.
We are firm in our identity, trusting God is working through us. We declare a daring future because we know who our Father is and who He says we are in Him. We lead with humility, because we are saved by His grace. We treasure Jesus with everything we have because He gave everything for us in His extravagant love.
Apart from Jesus, we can do nothing, but through Him, we are more than conquerors.
Jesus, our Savior King has defeated death and sin. In His Resurrection, He invites us to join Him in conquering evil through the sacrifices of love. Jesus is at work to fill every enclave of darkness with His eternal light. He desires to do His greater work through us, and we know that no one else is coming to fulfill this great calling. The victory is won with His Name on our lips and His Spirit in our hearts.
We boldly embrace the opportunity to champion city transformation.
Our Father ignites our hearts to an audacious faith. This strategic, risk-taking faith causes us to pray big prayers asking Him to do immeasurably more through us than we could ask or imagine. We boldly light up the darkness of this city as unashamed children of the Most High. Our Father stands at the ready to see the good works of His children prevail, and we will never give up.
We move at the speed of relationships.
Relationships are the economy of heaven, and God’s gift to us on earth. By maintaining the unity of the Spirit, we grow together as a unified force in this city. We can do more together than we can ever do alone to be the solutions to the problems of our city. As we unify all 7 spheres of influence, we spotlight strongholds of our city and cause systemic change together.
We believe:
There is One God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The Holy Bible is the True Word of God in written form, given to make Himself known.
Because of the Father’s great love for humanity, He sent His Only Son, Jesus Christ the living Word, to redeem all who would believe in Him.
Jesus was born of a virgin birth, walked among us, lived a sinless life, and did all and only what the Father intended to make God’s plan known.
Jesus Christ was crucified for our sins, buried, rose from the dead, and ascended to the right hand of the Father.
He is waiting for the Father’s appointed time to come again in power and glory.
Jesus asked the Father to send the Holy Spirit to indwell, guide, and lead into a personal relationship with God, all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
God’s Word reveals His purpose for individuals, families, cities, and nations.
History demonstrates that the application of Biblical wisdom is essential for lasting success.
Those pursuing God’s heart share in a common goal of creating and nurturing communities that value compassion, equality, justice, and respect through unity.