The Clapham Circle Award celebrates God’s work in the life of SALLT graduates who demonstrate exemplary in:
transforming culture,
unifying people towards common goals,
and creating systematic change that transforms the community.
Like William Wilberforce and the Clapham Circle of his day, recipients of the Clapham Award work fervently to push back evil and promote what is good for society.
In a city where Christian leader stand together for truth, justice, peace, reconciliation, love, and virtue, there should be a greater state of human flourishing for all. That is the call of today’s Clapham Circle - to be the “salt and light” as God’s ambassadors to the world.
About the Award
THE FOUNDATION is stone - because a building is only as strong as the foundation on which it is built. “For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ” [1 Corinthians. 3:11].
THE FLAME represents the light of Christ shining through people who share God’s grace, compassion, purpose, and hope with others. “You are the light of the world… let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” [Matthew 5:14, 16].
THE CIRLE represents the unity of believers working together to transform culture. It honors the legacy of William Wilberforce and his circle of friends working to abolish the evils of slavery and to promote Biblical values in their day. “Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper” [Jeremiah 29:7].
The Clapham Award Recipients
2024 Recipient: Dr. Deb Shropshire (S6)
2023 Recipient: Justice Circle
Alexus Bird
Avarilla Anfuso
Brenda Hernandez
Connie Schlittler (S12)
Donna Thompson
Lee Roland (S8)
Jefferson Killgore (S9)
Jennifer Francis (S24)
Jon Middendorf
Lori Young (S20)
Lyn Jackson (S13)
Makenzie Magnus (S9)
Mark Nehrenz (S9)
Michelle Henderson
Robin Jones (S2)
Tim Tardibono (S8)
Wayland Cubit (S10)
2022 Recipient: Valerie McMurry (S14)
2021 Recipients: Ronnie Beller (S12), Donnie Beller (S18), and Pamela Greening (S12)
2020 Recipient: Wayland Cubit (S10)
2019 Recipient: Adam Luck (S9)
2018 Recipient: Chris Brewster (S4), Dr. Scott Martin (S5), Fr. Nate Carr
2017 Recipient: Karen Waddell (S1)
2016 Recipient: Wes Lane (SALLT Founder), Clarence Hill (S3)