Community Partners are organizations in our community that are led by SALLT Alumni and are actively involved in the work of Kingdom-focused change and city transformation.




March: Peppers Ranch

DaNysha Wright (S21) | Director of Programs

Peppers Ranch Foster Care Community strives to become home to as many of Oklahoma's abused and neglected children as possible. By providing the necessary resources and services to foster parents, they sustain a commitment to the children in their care. Their safe and nurturing community will inspire and equip each child to break the cycle, reach their full potential, and become productive citizens of society.

Learn more, visit


February: VillagesOKC

Marilyn Olson (S16) | Executive Director

VillagesOKC is a plan, not a place. Their mission is empowering adults to age with vitality and purpose. Villages helps adults age successfully by providing genuine support, helpful resources, and a thriving community for Oklahoma City residents aging interdependently.

Learn more, visit

Video: Tell Us About VillagesOKC


January: Commonplace Books

Nathan Carr (S3) | Founder, President, and Partner

Their mission is to build a flourishing environment for the life of the mind. Commonplace Book’s shop is a welcoming respite that bustles with excitement and unhurried wonder.

Learn more, visit

Video: Tell Us About Commonplace Books


Hear about some of our Community Partner’s SALLT Cohort experience:

My SALLT experience was amazing. It was really cool to be able to learn from wise, experienced Christians how to serve and love our community because of the love of Christ. I’ve really bonded with my SALLT Class. We still, years after finishing SALLT get together regularly; and they are really good close friends.
— Clarissa Watkins (S21) | Director of Outreach and Development | Hilltop Clinic
My experience has been wonderful. SALLT is a great community. It is for anyone who would like to be a part in this city as believers- those who are making pivotal changes in their community.
— Amy Frazier (S24) | Founder | CNOW (City Night of Worship)

Community Partners 2024


Community Partners 2023

To learn more about our Community Partners, click the images to view their website.


Interested in Becoming a SALLT Community Partner?

Community Partner Requirements:

  • The organization’s leader is a SALLT Alumni or current class member

We’re proud to offer our Community Partners the following benefits for their involvement, if selected:

  • Logo and click-through link on the SALLT website

  • 4 consecutive weeks of promotion on SALLT’s social media platforms

  • A community “ask” of your choice, how can the community support your organization?

  • The gift of 10% of our monthly dues. Complete the form below and we will be in contact with you shortly.

Complete the form below and we will be in contact with you shortly.